It’s a quiet morning today. There’s a chill in the air, as I sit here wrapped in a blanket, sipping on hot coffee. And I just love it. It just feels cozy. It feels like a great day to read a book, stay in pyjamas and do some baking–so that’s exactly what I’m going to do.
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Creamy Pumpkin + Thyme Pasta {vegan}
So we wished for it and it finally came: autumn! We can bring out the sweaters, the hats, the fall boots. And we can officially reminisce about those good ol’ hot summer days (which was last Tuesday–just throwing that out there). Ah, yes, it’s my favourite time of year. And for so many good reasons: the
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Beet, Fennel + Apple Soup (vegan, paleo, whole 30)
How pretty is this Beet, Fennel + Apple Soup? It’s so freakin’ vibrant. I just love beets. I know people can be on the fence about them (“they taste like dirt”, “they’re too sweet”), but I could eat beets every single day for the rest of my life. I mean think about it: they can
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Peach Jalapeno Cornbread
What?! Two recipes in one weekend?! I wasn’t planning on it, but then yesterday Allie said she had a craving for cornbread, so I ended up making this Peach Jalapeno Cornbread. I like to plan my blog recipes in advance, so that way I’m not panicked week to week with what I’m posting. But I
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Sun-dried Tomato, Kale + Coconut Chicken Thighs
Happy long weekend! Mine has been extra long, thanks to a mild concussion. No cause for alarm: I hit my head during one of my workouts just a smidge too hard. But of course, being the clumsy lady that I am, I brushed it off as just a day in the life, and continued through
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Fig + Cherry Maple Mascarpone Tart
Happy Sunday Morning, lovely humans. It’s a slow start in my house today. Last night we met up with a friend for drinks at a wine bar, where we shared some charcuterie and stayed up past midnight (which, sadly, if you know me, is quite unheard of). So today, I’m writing this with a big
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Chocolate Maca Zucchini Muffins
Chocolate Maca Zucchini Muffins Holy moly. You need to eat these. Okay, true, I say this a lot. But I mean it a lot. And trust me, you will not regret making these. They are ooey-gooey chocolate-y goodness. I love baking with almond flour, because, when done right, you can’t even tell it’s gluten free. None of
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Paleo Raspberry Chia Jam Thumbprint Cookies
Last weekend, we went raspberry picking. The berries were so ripe we had to bag the little carton because the bottom berries were getting crushed and staining everything it touched red. Not wanting them to go to waste, I made a raspberry chia jam. Delicious. Chia jams are my favourite way to have jam. For one, it’s
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Dose of nature: raspberry picking
I thought I’d share something a little different today–a new series maybe? Something where I can share simple experiences revolved around nature, and getting out. There’s something so calming about looking at trees, and plants, and greenish things, you know? I hope you enjoy! Dose of Nature This past weekend Allie had a work barbeque
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Baby Kale, Potato + Pancetta Breakfast Hash
I have fallen in love with lazy weekend mornings. For years–as a student, and as a worker bee in the restaurant industry–I have worked weekends: early mornings and late nights. Saturdays felt more like Thursdays, hustling and bustling to get things done. It’s only now that I’ve really been able to experience the loveliness of
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