Okay, we’re trying something new on the blog today–and I’m not going to lie: I’m a little nervous. If you’ve been reading the blog for awhile, or if you know me at all (you have all my sympathy), then you know that I’m gay. Like real gay.
And if you’re new here (welcome!), well then I guess this is my coming out!
At the beginning of January, I talked about some of the resolutions I had for 2018, with the theme of this year being Connection. Connection to my creative self, connection to the people in my life. And connection to the LGBT+ community. Being queer is a huge part of my identity, and something I’m very proud of. It’s also something I don’t always get to revel in. I identify as femme and cis, and I often read as straight. I love all things girly, and feminine, and the majority of my friends are straight (and I love you all).
So for me personally, there’s a huge disconnect between who I am and how I live my life, how I’m perceived, how I identify. I also had a talk to my therapist about queerness in the wellness space. I just don’t see it that much–although sites like MindBodyGreen are just starting to dive into stories of alternative relationships. I’m a huge enthusiast for healthy living, for mental health, for feminism, for all things queer. I want to bring that to The Nourished Mind, because this blog is holistic, meaning it’s all encompassing, it’s inclusive, it’s open.
To honour my love of the queer community, I thought I would experiment with this series, all about the gay things that I’m loving, or interested in, or learning about. If this doesn’t resonate with you, that’s cool. But I’m hoping it will encourage more open-mindedness. You don’t have to identify as gay to appreciate these things–in fact, I think all it will do is make you more understanding, maybe more compassionate.
Let’s dive in.
1.Call Me By Your Name 
Allie and I went to see this film last week, and it was absolutely beautiful. Like I’m obsessed. I’m now reading the book, listening to the soundtrack and watching all the interviews with Armie Hammer and Timothee Chalamet. It’s stunning. It’s a love story set in Northern Italy in the 80s, and everything about it is enchanting, and sensual, and erotic. The two lead actors (both straight, by the way–in case you were wondering) did a fantastic job, with Timothee Chalamet giving an excellent performance of a teenager coming into his own sexuality.
2.Hayley Kiyoko: Feelings
When this song came out, I listened to it on repeat. Also, this music video–whoa. Just whoa. Hayley Kiyoko has done a wonderful job at creating these music videos that portray queer relationships between women–or in this case, the desire between women. It’s so refreshing to see scenes that actually resonate with me.
3.This article on Pansexuality.
Like I said, MindBodyGreen has really been branching out and including more queer content on their sites. Even more, their articles on relationships often include photos of same-sex couples, even if the article itself pertains to all couples, regardless of their sexuality. It would be nice to see more things about gender identity and queer culture, but it’s definitely a start. I really liked this article in particular because it talked about sexuality as being far more fluid than how we tend to look at it. Personally, I identify as gay, queer, or gay-ish, moreso than lesbian, because lesbian, to me, implies this iron-clad resoluteness. Sexuality for me is far more fluid, and is not bound by gender. So why don’t I identify as Bi or Pansexual? It was just never a label I used, and to me, it doesn’t fit quite right. I’m not bothered by the terms, and I have a lot of respect for them, but I think “queer” and “gay” offer the same connotation of fluidity, without (maybe) the stigma.
4.These stunning photos of total strangers pretending to be in a relationship.
Did you see the photo at the top, and think, wow is that Tisha and her girlfriend? Uh, no. It’s from a series that Marie Hyld did where she took photos with absolutely strangers, in intimate situations, pretending to be in a relationship. They are beautiful.
5. Hayley Kiyoko: Curious
Cause why not, you know? Also, her dance moves.
6.Everything Elliot Fletcher.
I was smitten with him in Shameless, and then borderline obsessed with him on The Fosters.
Okay, that wraps up the first instalment of Queer of Hearts. Thoughts? Comments? Contributions? Let me know what things you’re loving in the comments.
Happy Saturday!
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