Is anyone else ready for Daylight Savings to end? Bring on an extra hour of daylight, an extra hour of sleep, an extra hour of me saying I’ll get up to workout as I further wrap myself up in a blanket burrito. It’s this cooler weather, the shortening of days, that has me feeling more lethargic. I want to sleep, I want to get cozy. I don’t want to be running around, on my third cup of coffee, feeling like I could take a nap right on the floor I’m standing on. Know what I mean?
Which is why, this time of year, I rely on a couple staples to give me an extra boost of energy. Bring on the workouts, the early mornings, the over-scheduling that seems to be my life. So if you’re looking for an extra pick-me-up (that doesn’t result in a 3pm crash) then make sure to incorporate this foods into your life!
Disclaimer: The information on this site is for informational purposes only, and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have a medical concern or condition, please contact your healthcare professional.
5 Foods That Will Boost Your Energy
I mean sure, technically not a food, but dehydration can absolutely make you feel tired and exhausted. One study found that even mild dehydration caused cognitive impairment and worse mood (in men), resulting in anxiety/fatigue and poor memory. Aim for 2 litres of water daily, and track how that makes you feel! You can also add spirulina or chlorophyll to your water for an extra boost!
2. Beets
These beautiful root vegetables are high in nitrates, which have been shown to boost athletic performance and increase energy levels by improving the efficiency of mitochondria in energy production! Beet juice specifically has been shown in research to improve physical performance (best consumed within 2-3 hours of physical activity for maximum benefits) and improve cognitive function and memory by increasing blood flow to the brain!
Try it: Beet, Apple + Fennel Soup
Try it: Beet + Dill Infused Lentils
3. Foods high in B vitamins (Salmon, Eggs, Beef, Nutritional Yeast)
B vitamins are key players for energy production, so it makes sense that we need to be consuming them! B12 for example, is important for nerve function, B6 helps with health brain development and B5 helps to fight off stress. A deficiency in B vitamins is linked to low energy, fatigue, anxiety and depression. While you can definitely take a high-quality B-vitamin (I love this brand here) you can also increase your intake through your diet! Foods like salmon, eggs, beef and nutritional yeast all contain b vitamins, making it great brain fuel! Find it hard to get enough b vitamins in? Try a high-quality b-complex supplement!
Try it: Baby Kale, Potato + Pancetta Breakfast Egg Hash
4. Avocados
Is there anything avocados can’t do?! Not only is it delicious on top of anything and everything, it’s also incredibly high in healthy monounsaturated fats and fibre. This means that it keeps you full and sustains your energy (better than a muffin, let’s say) without the blood sugar spike and crash. One study also found that people who ate diets high in monounsaturated fats had more energy than those who ate a diet high in saturated fats!
Try it: No-Bake Vegan Avocado Lime Tarts
5. Adaptogens
While I think foods can accomplish a lot in terms of health goals, sometimes you need to bring out the big guns. Enter adaptogens.These are superfoods, usually ground herbs, that help to improve energy, lower stress and anxiety, and help you to get focused! Yes please! My favourites? Maca and Ashwagandha. Maca is nutrition powerhouse that helps to balance hormones and increase energy (in and out of the bedroom!). Ashwagandha has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress, and boost energy!
Try it: Chocolate Maca Zucchini Muffins
I hope this helps to keep you up and running on your feet! Are there any foods you like to eat to pick you up? Let me know in the comments below!
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